Selling digital advertising can be a challenge when prospects have objections or don’t realize the value of the medium. When pitching this ad category, you’ll want to use data to present your case. This article explores common objections to digital advertising and reviews critical metrics to share during the selling process to overcome them. Employing this tactic can help you sell more digital advertising.


Objections to Digital Are Common

You’ve probably heard numerous objections to buying digital. Many of these are advertisers’ misconceptions around:

Not knowing how it works

Beliefs that their customers aren’t online

Thinking they are doing fine without it

Past failures that didn’t return positive results

Assuming it’s too expensive

You can overcome these when you have data to back up the potential of digital advertising. The metrics you present to persuade them otherwise can be from your other customers or statistics related to the industry in general.

Digital Advertising Metrics That Matter

So, which metrics will really grab the attention of advertisers? Let’s take a look.

  • Website traffic: Digital ads point to a company’s website, which may result in consumers making contact, buying a product and other interactions. If you have metrics around increased website traffic due to digital ads, that will be instrumental in swaying minds. These data points are available in Google Analytics. If you’re using unique URLs for tracking, you’ll be able to pinpoint more specifically how traffic gets to your website.
  • Cost per click (CPC): This is the amount an advertiser pays when someone clicks on an ad. It can relate to search engine marketing or paid social media ads. If the main objection is cost, show advertisers how affordable CPC can be from previous campaign data.
  • Click-through rate (CTR): This is the ratio of users who click on an ad to the total number of users served the ad. Total number of clicks divided by the total impressions equals the CTR. Average CTRs vary by medium and industry, so it would be helpful to show them benchmarks along with a specific campaign with a good CTR. Here’s a helpful resource from AdStage to use.
  • Conversions: There are many ways to count conversions, but they all relate to a consumer taking the desired action. If you can show the progress of a specific campaign, your customers might be surprised at how much digital advertising can move the needle. For example, a display ad promoting a product may contribute to purchases. Another could be how an over-the-top (OTT) video ad led to more reservations at a local restaurant. You can attribute these conversions to the ads by checking the referral source to the page or through a tracking code on the URL that connects to the ad.
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS): This metric looks at the returns from a single campaign. You calculate it by dividing the total campaign revenue by the total campaign cost. Anything greater than 1 is positive. An effective way to present this is with a data visualization in your sales presentation.
  • Improved user engagement: This measurement mainly aligns with social media, mobile messaging and email marketing. If you run social ads, you’re looking for likes, shares, comments and clicks. For email, you’d want to see a positive increase in open and click rates. For SMS campaigns, clicks on the links would indicate engagement. Since you want to show progression over time, a line chart would be a useful tool here.

These six metrics will likely have the most impact and address the primary concerns and objections from advertisers. If you provide tangible results and numbers, they’ll find it hard to dismiss digital advertising as a viable way to acquire new customers or re-engage existing ones.

It’s Time for Your Advertisers to Diversify

The reality is that most people your advertisers want to target are technology users. That means there are multiple ways to reach them that will nicely complement radio and TV ads. By presenting these metrics that matter, you’ll help them realize it makes good business sense to advertise via digital channels.

If you’d like to learn more about what’s happening in digital advertising, check out our e-book, Digital Marketing Demystified: 4 Trends Advertisers Can Take Control of Now.