Cross Channel Tactics

Create the Ideal Digital Ad Mix for Your Advertisers

Successful digital sellers do several things well. They build relationships with clients earned through trust and effective communication. Their digital advertising acumen is strong, and they’re always learning, which is imperative in a dynamic field.

These top sellers also deliver the ideal digital ad mix for advertisers based on their goals and needs. It can be tricky to get it right and can be a time drain. While every customer should get a personalized recommendation, you can get ahead of the curve with this interactive tool.

You’ll find eight scenarios below. Click on the one that best describes your customer. Then, you’ll find the ad mix recommendations that will support those goals. We’ve also included some examples and downloadable proposals to share with your advertisers.

Let’s get started.

What Does Your Advertiser Want to Do?

Launch a New Product, Service or Location

Acquire New Customers

Recruit and Hire

Promote Sales and Events

Gain Market Share from a Competitor

Drive Traffic to a Physical Location

Expand Brand Awareness

Increase Revenue

What Is the Sales Funnel?

In addition to defining advertiser goals, you’ll want to explain the sales funnel. The funnel depicts three stages of a customer from becoming aware of a need to deciding which solution to choose. Aligning goals with the phase of the buying funnel to tactics ensures the best results.


The Sales Funnel’s Stages

3 stage marketing funnel